A small cow that lost its herd is adopted by a pack of dogs, admiring the unexpected and warm animal friendship

Haru, the mini-cow, never quite fit in. Much smaller than the rest of the cattle in her herd, she was not accepted and spent a lot of time alone.

But all that changed when he met his new best friends: a group of dogs.


Amber Sullivan-Vo and her husband, Anthony, found Haru in a Craigslist posting and decided to rescue him. They were eager to add Haru to their large group of animals, but weren’t sure if the lone mini-cow would get along with their nine dogs. Little by little, Haru was introduced to the dogs and all his worries disappeared.

“Haru really likes our dogs!” Sullivan-Vo told The Dodo. “He became familiar with [them] in about a week.”


Haru not only gets along with dogs, but also acts like them. The little cow will always go and sniff the new foster dogs that stay with her family and will even give her buzzes, just like the dogs.

“He puts his head down when our dogs are around to let them play or give him kisses,” Sullivan-Vo said. """"

The dogs love Haru too; in fact, they think he’s just another big dog.

“Everyone hangs out in the yard together,” Sullivan-Vo said.

While Haru is significantly heavier than his dog siblings, he is always careful not to hurt the smaller creatures. He makes sure to stay out of the way when necessary, and when the family began raising a pair of cubs, it became clear that Haru was looking out for them.

“He’s very aware of his size,” Sullivan-Vo said. “If he was running and playing and saw that the puppies were out, he would quickly calm down and stop running.”


Haru’s parents can’t imagine life without him. While Haru may have been too small before, it’s clear that in his new family he’s the perfect size.

Source: thedodo.com

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