Rediscovering the lost female “king” of Egypt: Revealing the tomb of a powerful woman who ruled 5,000 years ago

The Recent Discovery of 5,000-Year-Old Wine in an Ancient Egyptian Tomb Sparks a Remarkable Theory Archaeologists working at a burial site in Abydos, central Egypt, have stumbled upon a surprising possibility. They speculate that this tomb might be the …

India unearthed the largest Yamashita gold treasure ever found

A Remote Community Threatened by Treasure Hunters in Search of Alleged WWII Japanese Gold in the Philippines Treasure hunters scouring the Philippines for gold treasures supposedly hidden by Japanese generals from World War II are posing a threat to a …

Ancient human faces emerge in the Amazon after 2,000 years

Ancient hυмan faces believed to have been carved into rock υp to 2,000 years ago have been revealed in the Aмazon. The previoυsly hidden petroglyphs were spotted on a riverbank after an extreмe droυght last week caυsed water levels to plυммet to their …

The mysterious disc at the bottom of the Baltic Sea: A product of prehistoric civilization or an extraterrestrial spaceship?

At the bottom of the Baltic Sea lies a mysterious disc, approximately 60 meters in diameter and 4 meters in height, with smooth edges and a perfect circular shape, resembling a spacecraft. This enigmatic disc was accidentally discovered in 2001 by a team …

Evidence suggests the Mayans were in contact with aliens

The ancient Maya had territory from Mexico to El Salvador. The mighty Maya became the dominant force in the region, building great cities, trade routes, temples and majestic pyramids.The Maya were prominent in the Americas with their hieroglyphic writing …