Discover Four Leading Female Tattoo Artists to Ink Your Next Tattoo in London

If you’re looking for a new tattoo artist in London, the choices and options might – at first glance – seem overwhelming. London is home to a variety of tattoo shops brimming with talented artists and a growing number of them are women at the top of their game.

Four Top Female Artists To Get Your Next Tattoo From in London

Keeping the badass legacy of female tattooers alive, (on Women’s History Month especially!) we’ve put together a collection of our favorite lady artists you should be following and booking with right now!

Artist: Sophie Rose Hunter

Artist: Sophie Rose Hunter

Sophie Rose HunterThe Blue Tattoo, LondonSpecializing in fine line black & grey tattoos, Sophie Rose Hunter has a predilection for natural motifs and imagery such as snakes, skulls and roses. A closer look into her portfolio will reveal beautifully textured monochrome renderings made with dramatic depth and detail.

Request a booking with Sophie at The Blue Tattoo in Hammersmith London right here.

Artist: Karen Buckley

Artist: Karen Buckley

Karen BuckleyDevils Detail Tattoo, LondonUsing contrasting techniques and principles, Karen Buckley is our go-to girl for Geometric and Neo-traditional or “Geo-traditional’ work, as she has coined her unique style. “I enjoy the two contrasting techniques of dot work and color and I think they both appeal to two different sides of my personality. Half of me loves to be organized and structured and the other half enjoys a bit of chaos and disorder.”

Artist: Katia Barria

Artist: Katia Barria

Katia Barria Casa Aurora, LondonBrazilian artist Katia Barria works out of a private studio in West London and focuses primarily on fine line application. We love the illustrative look of Katia’s work, and her back-to-basics approach to the style, letting clean and delicate linework speak for itself. A multitude of motifs in her portfolio show she’s unafraid to tackle any kind of imagery, which keeps her work fresh and always interesting.

See more of Katia’s work here or book a tattoo directly with her.

Artist: Viviane Bogdanov

Artist: Viviane Bogdanov

Viviane BogdanovSalon Moulin Roude, LondonDotwork and decorative details abound in Viviane Bogdanov’s work, who tattoos all around the UK. Her minimalist design approach lends itself well to small illustrations and those who are looking to collect something a little more delicate. With nature as a main source of inspiration, familiar motifs one might notice in her portfolio include florals, stars, moons and snakes with pretty little ornaments and details.

Request a booking with Viviane in the UK here.

Cover image: Sophie Rose Hunter

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